Here’s what you need to know when flying:
For all the cute ways to name a pregnancy, like a bun in the oven, a baby-bump, Buddha-belly, Mummy-Tummy, and the list goes on; at Mango Airlines they have their own adorable name for pregnant Guests. “If this is you, you will be known as our Guest with your own ‘baby on-board’. We think it’s charming!” Says Benediction Zubane, Head of Marketing.
We know what an exciting time it is for you, so here are some top tips to ensure that all you have to do is relax on-board our aircraft and enjoy the journey with us:
- Place the seat belt below your belly for maximum comfort
- Book or ask to be seated in an aisle seat for easy access to the bathroom facilities
- Walk around the cabin hourly, this helps with circulation
- Stretch and flex your feet and legs in your seat every half an hour
- Drink plenty of fluids
It is a good idea for all expectant moms to carry emergency contact details of your next of kin, a family member and your Doctor. If you are already into your 2nd or 3rd trimester, a prenatal chart is required by us.
Here is some handy info as you progress in your pregnancy:
For both single pregnancies and multiple pregnancies less than 28 weeks:
Mango does not require you to fill in any forms – provided that your pregnancy has showed no complications to date. If there have been any complications, a medical certificate stating that you are fit to travel by air is required. Please ask your GP or Gynaecologist to provide this letter – and hand it in to the check-in person on the day you fly.
For both single pregnancies and multiple pregnancies between 28-35 Weeks:
A medical certificate stating that you are fit to travel by air will be required. You will need to carry a copy of the medical certificate, on person, during travel.
For single pregnancies from 36 Weeks and multiple pregnancies from 32 Weeks:
Mango does not permit Guests to travel. It is dangerous for both you and your soon-to-be-born baby or babies.
Mango wishes you a safe pregnancy and we look forward to welcoming your soon-to-be new baby on-board.
If you would like more info then please contact the Mango Medical Reservations Department on 086 10 10 214