by Josh Njoloza | Aug 9, 2021 | Gaming, Parenting
I felt a wave of nostalgia over me as I began to explore the Roblox app. I found myself reminiscing about my “Nintendo Gameboy” and “Club Penguin” days. This app has found the perfect way to gel these two different ways of “gaming”, with a whole new twist on it...
by Josh Njoloza | May 22, 2021 | Bookclub
Afros! We’ve seen a surge of movements across the globe, interrogating and challenging the plight of struggles black people have been fighting against for decades. Unlike previous generations, today, we are at liberty to voice out injustices and express our...
by Josh Njoloza | May 19, 2021 | Wellness
Watching TV, playing endless TV games and of course, looting the grocery cabinet were the most common things many households did during the harrowing period of lockdown. Since the past year, this season has completely slowed down routines and movements for many...