The month of June is known globally as World Pride Month, a month that celebrates and brings awareness to the LGBTQIAP+ community. In South Africa, Pride Month takes place in October, but throughout the month of June much light is cast onto the LGBTIQ+ Community
TheSitDownRelationships dissects our relationship with the LGBTIQ+ community in South Africa. Where are we now, challenges that need to be tackled and how the future is looking.
Founder of the feather awards and Thami Dish Foundation share his thoughts and takes us through his journey.
Guest: Thami Dish
Founder of the Feathers Awards Thami Kotlolo is a man of many talents. He was born in Mamelodi and has a long list of achievements. He was only 23 years old when he conceived one of South Africa’s prolific award shows, and has managed to make a mark and ruffle a couple of feathers in almost all spheres of life, from politics, entertainment to corporate South Africa